Friday, February 24, 2012



Stages page covers the causes, symptoms and treatment, as well as

to what you can do to fight this disease. Emphysema serious

disease in which lung tissue hardens and worsens gradually reducing your ability to breathe

. Reason number one emphysema is smoking. Other causes include infections, air pollution, lung surgery, genes and aging. Stages, signs and symptoms of emphysema:

Symptoms of early stage emphysema

include coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. Secondary symptoms include higher stage, and shortness of breath, weakness,

disabled and frequent respiratory infections. At the final stage, all of the above plus loss of appetite and increases

weight loss, inability to perform simple physical activities, inability to enter

bed, and death. Most emphysema is not found

late stage medium. Treatment often includes heavy doses of regular

steroids, ease breathing, cause long-term physical and emotional damage.

24-hour oxygen supplements as a general treatment. These things are unpleasant and unattractive, but they continue their lives. If you smoke you can

greatly improve your breathing, extend life and reduce the number of >> << medicine and oxygen for you, if you only. If you go

early emphysema, your body has a great chance to reverse the damage

. If you have been diagnosed during the later stages of the average is

much more can be done to relieve symptoms and longer more productive life.

Example: My mother and sister both died

with emphysema lasix side effects after smoking most of his life. My mother

was diagnosed at 62, quit smoking, lost, looking at it

food, began to exercise and lived another 18 years, 15 of which were happy and productive >> << though she had to take her medicine and the use of oxygen 24 hours a day >>. << My sister was diagnosed at age of 58, quit, quit without

diet or exercise, gained weight and died at 62. There is a lot you can do ... if you

ready! To reduce the need for oxygen,

you have. To improve

, how your body uses oxygen, and begin

very slowly increase the duration and intensity. For oxygen from other sources

than light, make a daily habit. To help the body fight disease and overcome the disadvantages caused by

drugs should be

add natural, and with additional

, dose the following:


and. At least

200 mg divided into 2-3 doses per day. , 300-450 mg

divided into 3 hours a day. , 12-15 grams extra from vegetable sources

or food additives. , 3 day, 1

at the beginning of each meal. Taken from

Omega-3. , 3 cloves

, day. Complete healing: We both know that there is no guaranteed treatment

whether in medicine, nutrition, herbs or anything else. Complete healing ... including mind, body and spirit ... Maybe from God. If you want God's help in your health problems go. . << >>

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