Friday, February 24, 2012

Symptomatic help can be given to medicines ...

Emphysema: treatment, symptoms, advice and assistance

Emphysema obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by reduced ability of the lungs to expel air. This is due to irreversible damage to air sacs in the lungs, forcing them to become inelastic. Emphysema often coexists with other respiratory disease called chronic bronchitis. Emphysema: morbidity, age and sex

Emphysema usually occurs in the general population, especially in people who smoke and live in industrial areas. Although it can crush a man of any age, it mostly occurs in middle age to older people. He is often seen lasix 40 meq in men than women. However, the frequency of emphysema in women increased by increasing the number of women who smoke. Emphysema is a slowly progressive disease in which symptoms may appear only after about half of the lung tissue is damaged. For it is characterized by cough, combined with shortness of breath and chest tightness. Some people may also complain of mild chest pain, fever and exhaustion. These symptoms may worsen over time. Respiratory physician at the review you will notice abnormal lungs. The study, lung function tests, particularly spirometry helps to evaluate man's ability to breathe air. Other tests like chest X-ray, computed tomography of the chest and blood tests can be done to confirm the diagnosis. The main factor contributing to emphysema is smoking a passive and active smoking plays an important role in causation. Other factors include dust and direct effects of road pollution and industrial emissions. It can also result from deficiency of the enzyme alpha-1-anti-trypsin in some people. This causes damage to the walls of small air sacs, also called alveoli, causing them to lose their elasticity. This leads to inefficient expulsion of air from them, leading to lung problem called emphysema. Emphysema can get serious if light get affected with bacterial infections. In addition, it can sometimes lead to heart failure, which can be potentially fatal. Emphysema is treatable, but, unfortunately, can not be cured.athletes using anabolic steroids Symptomatic help can be given to drugs as bronchodilators that can help expand the narrowed airways. These drugs broncholytic inhaled drugs to be taken inhalers. They also provide immediate relief from shame in the chest and improve breathing. In some cases, oral or inhaled steroids may be used as a last resort in dealing with symptoms. Antibiotics are recommended for bacterial infection of lungs. Sometimes the affected person may require oxygen support progressive form of disease. Measures to avoid sudden changes in temperature and industrial pollution, smoking cessation and breathing exercises can help keep the disease under control. .

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